All my latest work is mounted on MUSEUM WRAP CANVAS.
1. YOU DON’T NEED GLASS OR A FRAME. You can hang one of my canvas renderings (using a nail or hanger) and you are done. The image is a finished piece and doesn’t need the added expense of glass or a frame. The smaller sizes can also stand on their own – be it a desk or bookshelf.
2. THE LOOK OF AN OIL PAINTING. When you stand a few feet away my canvas renderings look like an oil painting.
3. WIDE STRETCH BARS. I print each image on wide stretch bar canvas. The stretch bars are the areas around the sides, top & bottom. The rendering wraps around the edges, which is commonly referred to as a “museum wrap.” I use 1½-inch wide stretch bars on all my photographic pieces of art. This gives it both size and a three dimensional effect.
"Please note - the museum wrap is not recommended for 11 x 14's or smaller. I create a solid border for those sizes."